

Buddy and Whiskers / 217 words  90秒

Once upon a time, in a small village, there was a kind boy named Jack. Jack lived with his family in a cozy house near a beautiful forest. Every day, Jack woke up early and went to school. He enjoyed learning new things and playing with his friends.

One sunny day, while Jack was walking in the forest, he found a small, adorable puppy. It lost its way and looked scared. Jack decided to help the puppy and took it home. His parents were happy to see the cute puppy and agreed to keep it. They named it Buddy.

Buddy quickly became a part of the family. Jack loved spending time with Buddy, playing fetch, and going for walks. They became best friends. Jack also learned how to take care of Buddy such as feeding him and giving him water.

One evening, as Jack and Buddy were playing in the garden, they noticed a lost kitten. Jack knew he had to help the kitten too. He gently picked it up and brought it inside. His family was surprised but supportive. They named the kitten Whiskers.

From that day on, Jack, Buddy, and Whiskers became a happy trio. They played together and made each other smile. Jack felt grateful to have such wonderful companions.

Weekend Plans /285 words 120秒

It’s Friday afternoon, and I’m excited about my weekend plans. Tomorrow, I am going to visit my friend Alex who lives in a nearby city. We haven’t seen each other in a long time, so I can’t wait to catch up.

On Saturday morning, I will take the train to the city. The journey is not long, and I enjoy watching the scenery pass by. When I arrive, Alex will pick me up from the station.

First, we will have a delicious lunch at a cozy café. We’ll chat and laugh while savoring our favorite dishes. Afterward, we plan to explore the city. There are a lot of interesting places to visit, like the local museum and the beautiful park.

In the park, we’ll rent bicycles and go for a ride. It will be fun to feel the wind in our hair as we cycle along the paths. We might even have a little race!

In the evening, we’ll go to a movie theater to watch the latest comedy film. Popcorn and laughter are the perfect combination for a great time.

On Sunday, we’ll have a lazy morning. Alex and I will have a leisurely breakfast at home, enjoying fresh coffee and toast. Then, we’ll take a walk in the neighborhood and explore the local shops and markets.

In the afternoon, we plan to go for a hike in the nearby countryside. We’ll bring a picnic basket which is filled with sandwiches, fruits, and refreshing drinks. Nature, good company, and tasty food―what else could I ask for?

As the sun starts to set, I’ll bid farewell to Alex and head back home. It will be a weekend with laughter, adventure, and cherished memories.

A day at School / 232 words 90秒目標

Sarah was a friendly girl who went to a small school. She loved going to school because she had a lot of friends there. One day, Sarah arrived early and met her best friend, Emily, near the entrance. They greeted each other with big smiles.

In the classroom, their teacher, Ms. Johnson, welcomed the students. She taught them interesting lessons and made learning fun. They practiced reading, writing, and solving simple math problems.

During break time, Sarah and Emily played together in the schoolyard. They swung on the swings, climbed the jungle gym, and played catch with a ball. They laughed and had a great time.

After the break, it was time for art class. Sarah enjoyed art because she loved drawing and coloring. They used paints, crayons, and markers to create beautiful pictures. Sarah drew a colorful butterfly, and Emily drew a smiling sun.

Later, they had a music class. They learned songs and played musical instruments like the xylophone and tambourine. They sang and danced to the rhythm of the music.

At the end of the day, Sarah and Emily said goodbye to their classmates and teachers. They waved and walked home together. They were excited to share stories about their day with their families.

School was a place which made Sarah feel happy and inspired. She looked forward to each new day of learning and spending time with her friends.

I am Lisa / 252 words 105秒目標

My name is Lisa, and I live in a small town. I wake up early every morning and start my day with a delicious breakfast. Today, I have toast with jam and a cup of hot tea.

After breakfast, I put on my shoes and walk to the park. The sun is shining, and the birds are singing. I see children playing on the swings and hear their laughter.

In the park, I meet my friend Sarah. We sit on a bench and chat. Sarah tells me about her new job, and I share my exciting weekend plans. We enjoy each other’s company.

Later, I go to the library. I love reading books. Today, I choose a mystery novel. I find a cozy spot and start reading. The story captivates me, and I lose track of time.

In the afternoon, I join a yoga class. It helps me relax and stay fit. We stretch our bodies and practice deep breathing. It feels wonderful and refreshing.

After yoga, I go grocery shopping. I buy fresh fruits, vegetables, and some snacks. I enjoy cooking healthy meals at home.

In the evening, I have dinner with my family. We talk about our day and share funny stories. It’s a lovely time together.

Before bed, I unwind by listening to soothing music. It helps me relax and sleep better.

Every day is a new adventure, which is filled with simple joys and meaningful moments. I cherish each present moment and look forward to what tomorrow brings.

The beach / 242 words 105秒目標

On a sunny day, Sarah and her family went to the beach. The sand was warm and soft beneath their feet. Sarah’s parents spread out a big beach towel, and Sarah and her brother, Alex, put on their swimsuits.

They ran towards the water and felt the cool waves on their toes. Sarah and Alex splashed around and built sandcastles near the shore. They giggled as the water tickled their legs.

After playing in the water, Sarah and Alex went for a walk along the shore. They collected seashells of various shapes and colors. Sarah found a beautiful, shiny seashell and showed it to her mom. It was a special souvenir from the beach.

Sarah’s family enjoyed a picnic lunch under a colorful beach umbrella. They ate sandwiches, fruit, and snacks. The salty breeze made everything taste even better.

In the afternoon, Sarah’s dad set up a beach volleyball net. They played a friendly game together. They laughed and cheered each other on. Sarah’s team won, and they celebrated with high-fives.

As the day drew to a close, the family sat on the sand and they felt mesmerized by the stunning sunset. The sky turned into shades of orange, pink, and purple. It was a breathtaking sight.

Reluctantly, Sarah and her family packed up their things. They said goodbye to the beach, and promised to return soon. Sarah felt grateful for the fun-filled day with her family, cherishing the memories they created.